I had the youth of our ward (ages 8-11) come over to my house to help me sew this quilt up for Primary Childrens Medical Center.
This was a two fold project, first off I chose to make something for Primary Childrens Medical Center because I spent so much time there as a kid....However I think no matter how sick you are, you sort of forget about it there. I remember so many good times there. We were always doing some sort of craft project or playing games. I had a particular hand drawn game board in my hospital room that had spot's randomly marked off, when ever I said please or thank-you I got a sticker on my chart, when I reached a 'marked' spot I was able to open a present....usually something handmade and donated to the hospital....It was WONDERFUL! I have always wanted to do something for the hospital, but it has sadly always been on my 'to-do' list. Well, I decided now was a great time to get something done. I invited the girls over to help me out, we cut circles and sewed them together, it turned out beautifully!
The quilt was washed after to allow the edges of the scallop circles to ruffle up.
This is the first quilt that I did a patch worked binding, and I loved how it tied everything together, I will definatly be doing that again!
Once it was all completed I added a card to whoever would be recieving the quilt, telling them that I to had spent time there, and that I hoped they would get better soon, and that I hoped they would have as mush 'fun' as I did. I kept the letter short, so that I would not get all emotional to some strange kid that I would never meet ;-)
My goal will be do do more for the hospital, if you click any of the hyperlinks it will bring you directly to the hospitals donation site.

Sooo pretty, and I think it's so neat that you're donating it to Primary Children's. I loved pieced binding!! I did that on William's quilt, too.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I think you are amazing. You get so much done! Isn't your baby the same age as mine??? :)
I love this quilt Kris, it is VERY cute!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful quilt! Did you hand cut the scalloped circles or use one of those cool new die cutting machines?