.....so this is how it all went down...
I got my new serger on Black Friday, I was so excited to use it (but really am CLUELESS as to what to do with this new machine), so I think, 'hey I'll just make something small to try it out'....idea pop's into my head. My niece Aundreya is up from Texas, I'll make her a dress.....Right now I am happy with my self....
....I start out taking pictures of my process...because I also got a new camera this last weekend, and I want to try the Nikon out....all is good.
....then I stumble across this cute ABC wall hanging my aunt made my when I was young...crap my mind starts to wonder....I start thinking of all the cute things she made for me and my cousins when I was young....stop.mind.stop.....
..then I post about how I made a cute dress on facebook, and my sister in law made a comment about how she hoped I made the dress for her daughter (which I didnt)....this solidified my thinking (I know I must make her two daughters matching dresses), but then there is Hannah, she is also one of my younger neices, I dont want her to feel left out, so I need to make her a matching dress....(see we are getting into some dangerous water now).
...We have a family dinner planned an hour and 15 minutes from the time that my mind is in full swing, this is the dinner when I was going to give Aundreya her dress, because she will be leaving for Texas right after dinner....
...granted it took my 2 hours to make the first dress, but now that I've made one, Im sure I can swing 3 more in a little over an hour (what was I thinking....)
I'm now in 'sweat shop' mode...or as Joel lovingly said I was crazy to decide to do this ;-)
Measure, Cut, Serge, Sew.....No time for pictures now....keep moving....
6:30 dinner time is getting closer.....
Now I'm getting stressed, I have Joel making me bias tape out of the cute cordorouy material I bought....My happy festive mood is starting to leave. I hear Joel tell the kids, 'Just stay out of mommy's way'....
6:15 almost done....this is when we must leave to be to dinner on time.....6:30 we justify that being a few minutes late will okay....6:45 DONE! I did it, with the families help of course....
Get to the family dinner late, phew, they were running late anyways. Give all girls there new dresses, happy feeling coming back....all is well again!
...however all that I wanted was cute pictures of these girls in their matching dresses. All I get is a couple of these pictures of the dresses on the couch.....oh well.

The best part is that the pictures with my new camera didnt even turn out great ... oh well.